Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The Mystery of the Stolen Panties

The Mystery of the Stolen Panties


Phoenix Hocking

Pug O'Donnell's life of crime began when he was just a lad, and out of necessity. Well, he considered it necessary anyway.

It was hunger that drove him to his first filch. Times were tough. His mum worked two and sometimes three jobs, but with six children there often was not enough to share and Pug was the youngest. He would watch as the bowl went 'round the table to the older kids first, and when the bowl came to him it was often empty, or nearly so.

So Pug learned to steal.

At first, Pug only stole food. Sometimes he stole money to buy food. The problem was, he was good at it. If a housewife left a pie on the window sill to cool, it was gone before the steam from the pie had a chance to dissipate. If someone dropped a penny or a nickel, it was gone almost before it hit the ground. Any wallet left unattended for more than a moment was considerably lighter when the owner next lifted it, if Pug was around.

So, Pug grew up, stealing food, or money, and then whatever he felt like stealing. What was born out of necessity became a hobby, then a game, and then an obsession.

In the summer of his fourteenth year, Pug discovered girls. He watched them constantly. He liked to see how they moved, what they did, what they talked about amongst themselves.

There was one girl he particularly liked to watch. Her name was Amanda and she was beautiful. She was outgoing and smart. She had long, curly red hair and a beautiful figure. Her laugh was like an angel singing and her smile lit up the room.

Pug loved her. He loved her with all the love and devotion a fourteen year old boy can muster. He followed her when he didn't think she was watching. He knew where she lived, what time she got up in the morning, when she went to bed at night.

Amanda, for her part, knew nothing of being stalked by Pug. To her, Pug was a child, a harmless child who had a crush on her. And Amanda was sixteen, and far too old to even notice someone like Pug.

Pug became obsessed with Amanda. And if he couldn't have her, he at least wanted something that belonged to her. He wanted something intimate, something that had touched her skin in that most private of places. He wanted her underwear.

He watched, and he waited. He almost got caught sneaking into the girl's gym while she was in the swimming pool, but sneak in he did, and snuck back out again with his prize clutched close to his chest inside his shirt.

The story that someone had stolen a girl's underwear out of the locker room took the school by storm. Who would do such a thing? And why? The Principal had each student open their locker, but the underwear was never found. How could it be? Pug kept them inside his shirt, close to his heart.

Eventually, the hubbub died down. It was fluke and everybody went about their business. Pug was good at thievery, you remember, so nobody even suspected him.

Pug took his prize home. The panties were yellow and lacy. He would sometimes take them from his hiding place and just look at them, running his fingers onto the silky fabric, and dream.

One day, a few weeks after his theft of Amanda's underwear, he thought perhaps he'd been found out. Amanda had begun to look at him strangely. When she thought Pug wasn't looking, she would just look at him, with a quizical look on her face. Pug was afraid. What if she turned him in? Boys who stole a girl's underwear would be looked at as some sort of pervert. He didn't want that.

But what could he do with the panties? He couldn't destroy them; that was simply unthinkable. He couldn't bury them, and have them be defiled by dirt and mud. He certainly couldn't give them back. And he couldn't keep them any longer.

On his way home from school one day, he saw a store. It was a cute store, a ladies store. And then he knew what he would do. He wanted somebody to take care of those panties, even though he couldn't do it himself any longer.

So, one morning, early, early, before he went to school, he stopped by the store and put Amanda's panties on the door handle, then ran away.

When the proprietor of the store came to work that morning, she found the underwear hanging on the handle of the door. Later, she posted a photo on Facebook, saying, “Someone left their panties on the front door of my job. This is a new one for me. I don't even know what to say about this.”

Well, now you know.

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