Friday, December 31, 2010

The Suspect's Statement

The Suspect’s Statement


Phoenix Hocking

December 6, 2010. Statement by murder suspect Gladys MacCoy. Present are Gladys MacCoy, Sergeant Melissa Smart, and Deputy John Adams. Time: 8:47 a.m. Transcribed by Harriett Doolittle.

I knew it was wrong when I done it. I should of called the police; that’s what I should of done.

But I didn’t.

Maybe I should back up a touch, just so’s you’ll understand, when you write your piece for that report, why I done what I done. Will this be in the papers? I always wanted to see my name in the papers, and not the funny papers either! Suspect laughs.

Marvin had been gone, oh golly, maybe nigh on twelve years or more. Up and left, he did. Jest went out for milk and never come back. Don’t know why; never did find out. Mebee he jest got tired of trying to make ends meet when they warn’t even in spittin’ distance of each other. Anyhow, Marvin had done gone, and me and Jimmy, we was left purty much alone.

Then Jimmy up and joined the Army. Stupid thing to of done. Stupid. Got himself killed over in that stupid war nobody wanted in the first place. But don’t let me get started on that! We never will get to why I kept that baby.

Now, I ask you. What would you of done? Huh? Here I was, ain’t got no husband no more, ain’t got no son no more. Jest me, livin’ all alone in that shack of mine, out on old Route 12. Jest me and a few chickens and a mangy old dog that don’t do nuthin’ but lay around and watch the rats take over the place. Stupid dog. Don’t know why I kept him all them years.

Come on place ain’t that bad. Got an indoor terlet, hot water inside when I get the wood stoked up. and my dishes get washed purty most regular. Anything I can’t wash, I let the dog take care of. He don’t mind and neither do I, so what’s the harm?

It was Mary Lou what brung the baby over. Mary Lou bein’ the little girl down the road, up to old Ma Parker’s place. Course, I guess Mary Lou twarn’t so little, since she had managed to get herself knocked up. Her pa said there twarn’t no way he was going to keep the little bastard...sorry about that word, I don’t allow cussin’ in my house, but a child born on the wrong side of the sheets is a bastard; my Marvin said that was a “technical term,” though I never did quite get what he meant by that.

Anyhow, Mary Lou brung the baby over and that little thing was jest the cutest thing I ever did see. It was kind of skinny then, even more’n it is now. Don’t you look at me like that! It’s true! That poor little thing was nigh on skin and bones. Mary Lou twarn’t allowed to nurse it, you see, so’s by the time it got to me that poor little thing was starving.

Well, look at me. Do I look like I got titties that’ll feed anything? I didn’t think so. So, I done the next best thing I could think of. I borrowed Sally Prince’s bitch dog. Molly, I think her name was. She’d just had a litter of pups and her tits were hanging so low they almost touched the ground when she walked. I just borrowed some milk from her from time to time, that’s all. She didn’t like it much, and it got so’s she’d run when she saw me comin’.

I guess, though, maybe it twarn’t enough. That little baby just got weaker and weaker, and skinnier and skinnier. And when I could finally see that it warn’t gettin’ no better, well I done what I had to do. I done what I should of done in the first place. I called the police.

Now, mebee you can explain to me how come I’s here? I done the best I could for that little thing. I tried to feed it, I put diapers on it when I had to. Course, they weren’t real diapers; they was just old sheets I torn up. But even the police said that child didn’t have no diaper rash or nuthin’.

Can I see it? I’d like to see it, if I could. It surely were a cute little thing.

Note - At this point, it is assumed that Deputy Adams explained to suspect that the child had died. The tape was damaged in the ensuing incident. Investigation continues as to how suspect was able to retain possession of the firearm with which she killed Deputy Adams and herself. Sergeant Smart remains on medical leave. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Doolittle.


Hmmm. This one seems different than your other stories. Without a description of the speaker.. her way of speaking really helps to define the character. Very interesting.
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